SF, the bohemian anti-hero with a flower in his head is all about equality, liberal views, and a Summer of Love, hippie ideal. But, it’s also a tech hub, full of innovative people, who have taken the world by storm. You no longer need to read the futurist poets to live the future, inhabitants of Frisco will have gadgets that other people would guess wrong on a real vs. fictional quiz.
And, yes all this Silicon Valley, as cool as a rockstar reputation does drive the prices up. However, the good news is that you won’t live like Oliver Twist for two major reasons: a) there are so many job opportunities – conventional, unconventional, full-time, and all that and b) the salaries are significantly higher than the national average as employers are becoming painfully aware where they are. Finally, if you’re not a techie person, that’s fine, Frisco can accommodate you in its life too.
So the Fog City, as many call it, is a heap of alternate images. The symbols are all around, but what you make of them is up to you. No wonder this Childe Harold clashes with the corporate America spot, both to be lost, served as inspiration for some of the finest American postmodernists. Is there really that much to interpret here, or it’s a trick someone played on us? You must come to find out.