How to Pack Paintings – A Professional’s Guide to Safeguarding Art

October 4, 2023Moving Tips
Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience.

Packing a painting can feel like wrapping up a piece of your soul, especially when each brushstroke holds a memory, an emotion, or a piece of history. But fret not! Knowing how to pack paintings isn’t out of your reach, and you can figure out how to safeguard art with ease.

To pack paintings, start by cleaning the surface gently. For oil paintings, ensure they’re fully dry. Use acid-free paper or glassine to cover the artwork, especially if it’s unframed. Add protective materials like bubble wrap, with the bubbly side facing out. Utilize corner protectors for framed pieces. Choose a rigid, specialized art box or crate, and ensure the painting is snug with no room to move. If storing long-term, maintain a stable temperature and humidity level. For extra assurance, consider insuring artworks during transit.

How to Pack Paintings – Understanding Your Art Collection

Before you dive headfirst into the bubble wrap and packing paper, it’s essential to get acquainted with your art collection. Just like people, every artwork is unique, requiring different care and attention. The medium, age, and even the emotional value can all influence how you should package it. It’s easier to figure out how to pack art for moving when a collection is well-understood, and such knowledge ensures that every piece gets the care it demands.


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Assessing the Size and Type of Paintings

So before we elaborate any further on how to pack paintings for moving, keep in mind that size matters in the world of art packing. A small acrylic piece requires different handling than a large oil-on-canvas. The type of paint, texture, and even the frame can drastically change the packing schedule. Familiarize yourself with the nuances of each painting in your collection. That massive landscape might seem robust, but it could be just as delicate as the petite watercolor portrait next to it.

Identifying Fragile or High-Value Artworks

Some artworks carry a significant monetary or sentimental value, and others may be more fragile due to age, material, or construction. It’s crucial to identify these pieces early on, as they’ll often require extra layers of protection or even specialized packing materials. Be it that century-old family heirloom or a pricey modern artwork, giving them the VIP treatment is non-negotiable.

Creating an Inventory for Tracking

Keeping track of your art pieces is just as essential as boxing up. An inventory acts as a roadmap, ensuring that no piece goes astray and every artwork finds its place, be it in transit or storage. Document each item with photos, a brief description, and its value. This not only aids in organization but can be a lifesaver for insurance purposes or if you decide to sell or showcase the collection in the future.

A woman doing inventory
The art of keeping track of style lies in cataloging every canvas

Materials and Tools for Packing Paintings

Equipping yourself with the right tools is half the battle when ensuring the safety of beloved art pieces. As you venture into this crucial phase, consider the following essentials:

  • Sturdy boxes – Opt for corrugated boxes that can withstand pressure and impacts.
  • Corner protectors – For keeping the corners of framed artworks intact.
  • Bubble wrap and foam – Essential for providing cushioning and protection against shocks.
  • Acid-free tissue paper – Perfect for wrapping artwork to prevent direct contact with other materials.
  • Utility knife – For cutting and customizing packing materials as needed.

Selecting the Right Boxes and Frames

It’s not just about grabbing any box you see – it’s about matching the artwork with its protective cocoon. When picking boxes, ensure they’re slightly larger than the painting, allowing space for cushioning materials. If your paintings are framed, you might be in the immediate need to know – how to pack framed pictures for moving. Consider using specialized art or mirror boxes designed for such items. For those high-value masterpieces, custom wooden crates might be the way to go, offering robust protection for treasured artworks.

Choosing Protective Wrappings and Cushioning

Protection is paramount. Start with acid-free tissue paper for direct contact wrapping, ensuring the artwork’s surface remains unharmed. Follow up with bubble wrap to provide a safety cushion against knocks and bumps. For artwork with a glass front, consider using foam or cardboard layers to prevent shattering. Remember, it’s always better to overprotect than under-protect when it comes to art!

Tapes, Labels, and Other Essentials

Sealing and labeling can be likened to putting the final touches on a canvas. Use strong packing tape, ensuring the artwork remains securely wrapped inside. Avoid using duct tape or masking tape, as they might not hold up well during transit. Once sealed, label each package with ‘Fragile,’ ‘Handle with Care,’ or ‘This Side Up’ stickers. Keeping a marker handy can also help jot down quick notes or contents on the box. Additionally, include a copy of the inventory list inside each box – it’ll act as a quick reference in case of queries or checks.

Packing supplies
Proper supplies keep damage away

Step-by-Step Guide to Packing Paintings

As you’ve gathered all the necessary materials needed to protect precious artwork, the next thing to wonder about is – how to pack framed art for moving. Now it’s the time to take the plunge, roll up your sleeves, and ensure each piece, whether framed or not, is secured and ready for that interstate relocation.

Preparing the Paintings

Every great endeavor starts with a strong foundation. Before diving into the most efficient packing process, take a moment to tenderly clean the paintings. Dust particles, minute as they may be, can become culprits in scratching or staining surfaces. If your artwork features glass, a simple ‘X’ taped across it can be the safety net, guarding against potential cracks and shattering.

Wrapping and Protecting the Paintings

Protection is the heart of the process of securing artwork. Begin with an acid-free tissue layer, shielding the artwork from harmful reactions. For those with frames, corner protectors are your best friends, defending those delicate edges. Bubble wrap follows suit, acting as a cushioned barrier against external pressures and accidents. Remember – the aim is to wrap tightly enough for protection yet gently enough to let the art breathe.

Securing Boxes and Adding Labels

Once wrapped, it’s time for the grand enclosure. Selecting the right box is crucial – think of it as choosing a home for the artwork. One of the most important tips is that you should fill the box’s base with cushioning for that soft landing, and as you place the painting inside, ensure there’s no wiggle room. Here are a few steps to secure:

  • Padding – Ensure all sides are cushioned, preventing unwanted movement.
  • Sealing – A firm seal with packing tape keeps everything in place.
  • Labeling – Clearly marking ‘Fragile’ and adding a content description is the final touch, acting as both a warning and a guide for those handling your treasures.

Special Considerations for Different Types of Paintings

Every painting has its unique personality and nuances. Recognizing the varied needs of different art forms is crucial. From the vibrant oils to the delicate watercolors, each type of painting has distinct sensitivities and requires tailored packing approaches that are best for them. Diving into these differences ensures that each masterpiece receives the care it deserves during transit.

Packing Oil Paintings

Oil paintings, known for their rich texture and deep colors, come with their own set of challenges. The paint can remain somewhat malleable long after you’d think it’s dry. Thus, direct contact with any material, even bubble wrap, can lead to unsightly imprints or even smudging. Protecting the surface with a non-reactive, acid-free layer and ensuring ample drying time before packing becomes paramount. Patience, in this case, isn’t just a virtue – it’s a necessity.

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Packing Watercolor Paintings

The ethereal charm of watercolor paintings lies in their light, airy strokes and translucent hues. But this delicacy also means they’re highly susceptible to moisture and direct contact. Ensuring they’re protected against humidity is the first step. Using acid-free paper and avoiding plastic materials that can trap moisture will keep those soft hues and gentle gradients as vibrant as ever.

Packing Sculptural or Mixed Media Artworks

When art breaks the two-dimensional plane and ventures into the realm of sculptural or mixed media, the packing game shifts. With varied materials, protrusions, and sometimes even moving parts, these artworks require a keen eye to recognize their vulnerabilities. Custom padding, compartmentalized boxing, or even specialized crates might be in order. Each piece, with its diverse mediums and forms, demands a subtle approach to ensure it remains intact and unscathed.

The following video shows how an artist packs their artwork for shipping.

YouTube video

Art is Important to Us All – Embrace the Benefits of Hiring Professionals for All Its Forms

According to Statista, since the 1960s, the United States has maintained its position as the world’s largest market for fine art. Also, New York serves as the key center for both domestic and foreign transactions. In essence, it means that most people in the US own some form of art in their homes, so when it comes to relocating, it’s best that these pieces are handled by trained experts.

US residents love fine art, and that's why it's handy to have professionals pack the precious pieces instead of a DIY

Cars Can Be Works of Art, Too

Navigating the logistics of a move can be daunting, especially when artwork or automobiles are involved and you need to move them to another state. While DIY may have its merits, there’s an undeniable allure in entrusting professionals to do the job with their moving services. That’s why hiring an experienced moving and auto transport company isn’t just about boxing up belongings – it’s about holistic solutions tailored to your needs.

If you’re considering shipping cars in the USA, aligning with a reputable car shipping company can streamline the process. From the intricacies of enclosed auto transport, ensuring prized vehicles remain untouched by the elements, to the flexibility of open auto transport for those looking for cost-effective solutions  – there’s a range to fit every need.

But the expertise doesn’t stop there. Top-tier car shipping companies expand their offerings to include both door-to-door auto transport for utmost convenience and terminal-to-terminal car shipping for those preferring fixed drop-off points. USA Auto Transport services, when combined with comprehensive moving services, create a seamless transition from one location to another.

expensive car
It would be a shame to leave this beauty to languish in the rain on the road

Mastering the Art of Safe Transit Means Ensuring That Treasures Travel Securely

Art, in its myriad forms, isn’t just a visual delight – it’s an embodiment of emotions, history, and creative expression. As we’ve journeyed through the intricate steps of packing and preserving these masterpieces, the recurring theme has been clear – attention to detail is crucial. From understanding the unique requirements of different painting types to embracing the immense value your chosen moving company brings to the table, careful handling emerges as a non-negotiable. Art, after all, transcends mere material value, and safeguarding it becomes a responsibility we must all shoulder with diligence.

If you’re looking to ensure that the artworks and valuable possessions receive the care they deserve during transit, don’t hesitate. Entrust them to the experts. With USA Auto Transport by your side, rest easy knowing that every piece, be it art or automobile, is in the best hands. Reach out today and experience a seamless, stress-free move.


Can I Use Regular Moving Boxes to Pack My Paintings?

While you can use regular moving boxes, specialized art boxes or crates offer better protection. Regular boxes might not provide the required rigidity or cushioning needed for delicate artwork.

How Do I Pack Framed vs. Unframed Paintings?

For framed paintings, use corner protectors and wrap in bubble wrap, ensuring the wrap’s bubbly side faces out. Unframed paintings should first be covered with acid-free paper or glassine before adding any additional protective wrapping.

Should I Insure My Paintings During the Move?

Absolutely. Insuring paintings provides a safety net against unforeseen accidents or damages. It’s essential for high-value or sentimental pieces.

How Do I Handle Very Large or Unusually Shaped Paintings?

Consider custom crates or boxes for large or irregularly shaped paintings. They might require additional padding or bracing to ensure safe transport.

Can I Store My Paintings in the Same Box for Long-Term Storage?

It’s possible but not recommended. Long-term storage requires more protective measures against factors like humidity and temperature fluctuations. Use specialized storage solutions if possible.

What Temperature and Humidity Considerations Are There for Storing Paintings?

Maintain a stable environment – a temperature range of 60-75°F and a relative humidity of 40-60%. Avoid areas like basements or attics, which can have drastic temperature and humidity shifts.

Should I Remove Glass or Acrylic Glazing Before Packing?

No, but secure the glass with painter’s tape in an ‘X’ shape. This way, if it breaks during transit, the shards remain adhered to the tape, reducing the risk of damaging the artwork.

How Can I Ensure My High-Value Art Is Handled With Care by Movers?

Hire reputable movers with experience in handling art. Communicate the value and importance of pieces, and consider “white glove” services if available.

Can I Pack Multiple Paintings in the Same Box?

Yes, but ensure each piece is individually wrapped and separated with foam board or cardboard. This way, they don’t rub against each other and cause damage.

What Should I Do if I Discover Damage to My Paintings After the Move?

Document the damage immediately with photographs. Contact your movers and insurance company to discuss potential claims or repair services.

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