How to Overcome Depression After Moving and When to Seek Help

July 21, 2021Moving Tips
Hannah Michaelson

Hannah is a freelance relocation writer from NYC that has become an expert on packing and unpacking.

Moves affect everyone’s state of mind. And even when the effects are nearly unnoticeable, they are still present. Some experience mild or more serious depression after moving cross-country or locally. If this happens to you, the most important advice to remember is to pay attention to the signs your body is sending you.

Spotting the symptoms while they’re quite simple to manage is paramount. Additionally, you should do everything in your power to prevent them before they happen. You can do so by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, being focused on the positive things and aspects of the move, and reducing the initial stress. Start by letting yourself do everything at an acceptable pace and lower the anxiety caused by the process itself by obtaining the best relocation and car shipping services.

How Does Moving Affect Mental Health?

Whether you’re moving to another state alone or with family, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious, overwhelmed, or sad. On the contrary, changes in moods, patterns, and behavior are quite common. People always react to life changes, and you’re no exception. However, you should pay some more attention to your mental health when you experience a shift this big.

Even when you follow all the right relocation tips and gather the best packing materials on time, there is still a lot of uncertainty hanging above your head. So, how does a move actually affect you and your health?

  • It is usually stressful, and these large amounts of tension can adversely affect your body and mind,
  • Those who move often can have a hard time developing and maintaining firm relationships,
  • People who moved a lot when they were kids or adolescents can have some consequences as adults and experience difficulties opening up to others and befriending them.

Still, relocation always has some substantial perks. When it comes to mental conditions, they can even be beneficial in certain ways. Relocating often helps enhance your memory. Events that occurred around the day of your move are more likely to stick with you for quite a while, even if they include some minor things like memorizing relocation hacks or buying refreshments for those helping you pack. Each move brings these benefits:

  • Having a fresh start and being able to rebuild your life,
  • Learning to embrace a new environment, culture, and diversity,
  • Changing your address and settling in a nicer home can improve the quality of your life and immediately affect your satisfaction and self-esteem.

Still, due to the amount of stress you can experience, it is paramount that you hire a reliable relocation and car shipping company and obtain high-grade services that will grant safety for your belongings and vehicle.

two long-distance movers carrying a large case
Moves affect our condition and state of mind differently.

Reasons People Feel Depressed After a Move

Before you move, all sorts of questions will be filling your head. Will you have enough time to get packed? Will the items be placed into fitting boxes correctly? And there’s the prime stressor – your relocation budget. How much will movers cost and how much does the car shipping service cost?

Aside from that, there are extra expenses to keep in mind. Fear of the unknown, anxiety about finances, and relocation depression are all quite possible. These are the main reasons people feel depressed after moving into a new house:

  • Homesickness and missing friends and family members,
  • The feeling of isolation and loneliness upon arriving at an entirely different place,
  • Possible culture shock and language barrier if you have moved to a completely different country or environment,
  • Not setting your priorities straight and having the wrong reasons to move,
  • Failing to do your homework when deciding where to live.

Once you get over the worries related to the relocation process, costs, auto transport, and relocation scams, sit down, take a deep breath, and start focusing on the positive changes that will soon come.

Understand that Moves Can be Hard

Whatever it is that made you feel down, just remember that it’s perfectly normal to experience those feelings. Understanding how your mind works is often trickier than learning how to change a tail light, so you will need to give it some thought and explore reading materials, online resources, support groups, or even get help from professionals. Asking your friends and family is also a good option.

Recognize the Main Relocation Depression Symptoms

An experienced car mechanic can tell if a car thermostat is bad in a matter of minutes. If you pay attention to what they say or read more about the subject, you’ll be able to spot the malfunction as well. When it comes to your physical and mental health, the drill is sort of similar. It’s never smart to jump to conclusions and set a diagnosis without consulting a medical expert. However, in order to seek help, you should learn how to recognize the early signs of the issue. Red flags that indicate depression include:

  • Having a hard time concentrating on the task in front of you,
  • Being unable to make decisions like you normally would,
  • Feeling guilty or unworthy without any rational reason,
  • Sleeping excessively or developing insomnia,
  • Finding all sorts of things irritating,
  • Being anxious and restless,
  • Feeling chronically tired,
  • Losing appetite or interest in people, hobbies, and activities that used to make you feel happy,
  • Experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, etc.

When you relocate locally, the pressure is lower, and so are the costs. However, relocating to a new state is a larger bite. And that’s why you should take extra care of yourself.

a man’s silhouette in black and white
Take good care of yourself and listen to your body.

How Do You Cope With Moving to a New Place?

Relocating to a new home, especially if it’s located away from your hometown and old friends, can be very stressful. To stay on top of the situation and avoid getting depressed, you should:

  • Focus on the positive sides of your choice to move,
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish habits that will keep you active, entertained, and happy with yourself,
  • Start making friends as soon as you settle in, greet the neighbors, host a party, and get to know your coworkers,
  • Furnish your new place and decorate it to match your style and preferences,
  • Stay in touch with those you care about back in your previous city,
  • Find new hobbies and learn something you’ve always wanted to by taking classes,
  • Enjoy outdoor activities and explore the district thoroughly,
  • Participate in events and charity work,
  • Consider getting a pet to keep you company,
  • Talk about the things that bother you instead of burying them and letting them build up,
  • Find a qualified therapist if you think your symptoms are getting more severe.

If you spot the warning signs, do your best to cope daily. However, if the fatigue, sadness, or restlessness persist, schedule an appointment with a qualified professional.

Take Good Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

You should always be paying close attention to what you eat, how hydrated you are, and whether you’re getting enough quality sleep. However, when you’re about to move, these significant routines and habits easily change for the worse. Moreover, the adverse effects can stick around after the move.

Prepare healthy meals and cut down on cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine if you plan to reduce restlessness and sadness. Another proven way to boost your well-being and physical and mental fitness is by choosing to exercise often. This doesn’t have to be one of the daily routines, but it is recommended to practice it at least twice a week.

Overcome Post Moving Depression by Meeting New People

Making friends in a new city is crucial to stay happy, pleased with your choice, and in touch with the community. There are many ways to meet and befriend others after you relocate. You could go online, take some lessons in a local hub, or visit museums and galleries and mingle with the crowd that shares your interests. Being out there and finding like-minded individuals to hang out with will undoubtedly stop you from getting depressed after you relocate. Still, do it in a way that feels comfortable to you and never rush things.

Stay Connected With Friends from Your Old Life

Staying in touch with those you hold dear sometimes feels like a tough assignment. When you’re miles away, you can develop a feeling that you’ve drifted off too far from them. But nowadays, it’s not that tricky to have online meetups, catch up with friends, relatives, and former coworkers. And of course, although you left your hometown, you’re always welcome to visit. Better yet, invite your loved ones and organize their visit to you as well. You could also plan a road trip for everyone and explore the most famous routes in the US together.

three girls with raised hands
Staying connected to others is crucial to overcome distress and sadness.

Use Various Resources to Handle Depression

The resources you will choose to battle the sadness and loneliness largely depend on the severity of your symptoms. Sometimes just talking to a friend or going for a hike can lessen your struggles. Other times, you should reach out to support groups.

One of the most useful resources for those who are depressed is the MHA website. Happify, MindShift, and MoodTools are some apps that could also guide you through a rough patch.  If you still don’t see any progress and your fatigue and distress persist, it is best to find a qualified therapist and schedule a one-on-one meeting with them.

Seek Help Online and in Person

If your daily life is invaded by negativity and feeling like there’s no way out, it’s certainly the right moment to speak to a doctor. Mild signs can easily be ignored since we all have too much on our hands. However, as soon as you spot some of the warnings, react by making adjustments in your habits. Nevertheless, if you notice that this doesn’t do the trick and you still feel numb, absent, or depressed, talk to an expert. If you’re not entirely sure if you need therapy, check out the video below.

YouTube video

Reduce Relocation Stress in Advance

Avoid making common relocation mistakes and skip the driving stress by hiring professional movers and shipping your car cross-country. That way, you can relax, diminish the risks of deteriorating your mental health, and ensure your safety by avoiding long drives and road rage. Be sure to:

  • Know how to choose the right relocation and auto transport company, avoid fraud, and learn about all costs that await (including whether you should tip the movers and car shipping experts how much),
  • Look for the most affordable solutions and cheapest ways to ship a car while keeping it entirely safe,
  • Start packing a few weeks in advance and stay organized,
  • Go through your belongings and see what you should keep before you get packed,
  • Ask your friends and family for help throughout the whole process,
  • Prepare the relocation essentials for the big day,
  • Get enough rest, eat well, and stay hydrated.

Following these tips to move efficiently doesn’t guarantee that you won’t feel relocation depression. However, it will unquestionably get you through the process and allow you to overcome some common pain points.

An enclosed auto transport trailer driving cars across the country
Avoid stressors before you move.

Take Care and Follow These Tips to Overcome Depression After Moving

You could find yourself overwhelmed by a move and all assignments that you need to complete. And once you reach your chosen home, it’s still possible to have difficulties relaxing, adjusting, and accepting the changes. Answering the question How do I stop being sad about moving? should start by covering the basics.

Firstly, ensure that you live a healthy life, eat well, sleep enough, and exercise often. Then, begin meeting neighbors, colleagues, and others in the community. Being sociable and building bonds with the community will allow you to stay positive, fulfilled, and connected to the world. In addition, find a few hobbies, classes, and activities that will suit you well, keep you occupied, and bring some satisfaction.

If you must move, be sure to do it correctly from the start. Find a reliable company and ship your car and belongings safely. Pick the range of services that matches your needs and budget. Explore what’s out there and learn whether you should use an open car trailer or pick the enclosed carrier for car shipping. Although these choices won’t diminish your possible homesickness, they will take a huge chunk of your worries off your shoulders.

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