How to Prepare for a Move – Use These 7 Moving Day Tips

July 10, 2022Moving Tips
Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

The last few relocation days represent a culmination of the whole relocation process – but it’s not the end of all your relocation-related work. There is still an extensive list of things to do before the time for relaxing comes. However, with our moving day tips, you can make this exhausting and overwhelming period a little bit easier for yourself.

Every relocation day preparation included a well-composed to-do list of tasks and their schedules. The most important items on that list are making sure kids and pets stay safe, prepping a bag with essentials, cleaning the place, and preparing for movers. However, in order to go through this period successfully, you also must ensure you get a good night’s sleep and learn all the ways to avoid some of the most common injuries.

#1 Create a Checklist With All the Tasks That Await You

When the final days of the relocation come, you’ll probably be exposed to a mix of emotions, from sadness and anxiety about the move to the excitement for everything that lies ahead. Although inevitable, a strong emotional charge can lead to making many minor or major relocation mistakes. The only way to avoid them is to be as organized as you can – and creating a to-do list can help you with that.

What Should a To-Do List Look Like?

All the tasks that have to be completed should find their way on this list. Therefore, ensure you start preparing it several days before the scheduled date and add tasks as they come to your mind.

Many factors impact how your list will look – the complexity of your move, whether you’re hiring professionals or plan to move by yourself, or the time you have left until the booked date. For example, if you have a last-minute move, you won’t get to do as many tasks before the relocation comes as you would if you had more time to plan and organize.

Therefore, you should adjust this list to your individual move. Once you get a better picture of tasks that need to be done, prioritize them and set a deadline until each one must be completed. Remember – the more organized you are, the fewer slips you will have.


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#2 Make Arrangements for Your Kids and Pets

As we mentioned, final relocation preparation can be pretty chaotic. That kind of chaos, however, can be even more dangerous if you’re relocating with kids. Not only you won’t be able to focus on them entirely, but your house will be filled with people relocating heavy and bulky items. While carrying large objects, no one will be able to watch where they go in order to avoid running and playful children. That’s why it’s always best to hire a sitter or ask friends to watch over your young ones until all things are safely packed.

Similar goes for your furry friends. If you’re relocating with pets, it’s not safe to just let them wander around the house and yard. You can follow the same hack from above, or just designate one room for them and leave enough food and water – if it won’t be too stressful for them.

Child and a dog sitting on the floor
What should you do the day before moving? Organizing sitters should be one of the priorities

#3 Get Enough Sleep the Night Before

Every move to a new city will take its toll on your nerves, but the impact will be even bigger if you’re tired and all worn out, so getting enough sleep is a must. Moreover, sleep is also important for the physical aspect of the move – it’s the only way to get enough energy for what awaits.

We don’t suggest you sleep in – after all, you will have to wake up early on the morning of the move. However, try not to stay up too late. Remember that more mistakes will be made if you try to do as much as you can the night before rather than sleep and start early, with a full stomach and the necessary amount of coffee in your system.

A man who can't fall asleep
Sleep is crucial for good physical and mental functioning

#4 Pack the Separate Box With Essential Items

Not all of your belongings should be packed before the scheduled date – you can’t pack items you’ll be using until the last few hours of the move. Those same items will be essentials even after you move in, so you’ll need to know where they are at any moment. Therefore, when organizing packing to move, prepare a separate box or a bag for relocation essentials.

It should contain all the items you use daily, such as electronics and their chargers, but also important documents, a change of clothes for you and your family, essential toiletries, snacks and beverages, and other vital items. If a longer trip awaits you, entertainment items will also become necessities, especially for the young ones.

Make Sure All Non-Essentials Are Packed Well in Advance

In order to have a smooth and worry-free last few hours in the old place, all of your non-essential belongings should be packed before the scheduled date of the move. However, if you’re hiring movers, remember that you should deal only with boxable belongings – reputable professionals consider packing furniture and handling large belongings part of their standard long-distance moving services. If you decide a DIY move is too much to bear, leave bulky items for the professionals – but ensure the rest is packed and ready to go.

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#5 Learn How to Move Injury-Free

The more work you leave for professional workers, the fewer chances you’ll have to get injured. However, if you plan to pack your car for the move or rent a truck, you must be entirely prepared for the challenging physical work each move to a new home brings. So you can move safely when the relocation date comes, you should:

  • Choose proper clothing – when packing clothes, set aside some sporty pieces alongside comfortable snickers,
  • Ask your friends for help – their assistance will be priceless with all the heavy lifting,
  • Clear the pathways – be sure there are no flowers, paintings, or toys in the way,
  • Rent the right equipment – lifting straps, furniture dollies, or simple sliders are excellent choices for relocating bulky items without injuries,
  • Learn the correct lifting techniques – the best way to avoid injured backs and knees is to learn how to lift heavy objects properly.

#6 Clean Your House Before Locking the Doors

If you want to sell the house before relocating across the country, you must leave it in perfect condition. While the biggest part of the cleaning will be done before the set relocation date, keep in mind that you’ll have to tidy up again after all the boxes are safely stored in the tuck.

Of course, you shouldn’t deep clean everything once more. However, there will be debris left that needs to be taken care of. Go through each room once again, clean it, and simultaneously check if something was overlooked. Only after you finish the final tour of the place should you collect the rest of your belongings and leave.

Save Some Cleaning Supplies for Your Car, as Well

Suppose you’re getting assistance from a USA auto transport company when relocating out of state. In that case, you’ll need to decide between terminal-to-terminal car shipping and door-to-door auto transport and choose between the open trailer on one side, and enclosed auto transport, on the other. Regardless of the option you go with, keep in mind that your car must be thoroughly cleaned.

When an assigned driver gets to your place, they will document the vehicle’s condition on the car bill of lading, which you’ll be asked to sign. However, don’t let it be the only proof of the car’s current shape – be sure to take photos of your vehicle on the relocation date. It’s the best way to compare the state of your car before and after the move and determine if any damage has occurred.

However, before you take any pics, all debris must be removed from your vehicle. Take a look at the video below to see how to do it successfully at home:

YouTube video

#7 Prepare for Movers as Much as You Can

If you’ve decided to ensure a completely stress-free move by hiring professionals, you must be prepared for them on the booked date. But what does this imply? Aside from some tasks mentioned above (like securing kids and pets and clearing the pathway), you’ll also have to:

  • Prepare towels and soap,
  • Secure beverages and food for everybody,
  • Clean the furniture and appliances,
  • Label the boxes correctly,
  • Learn which items movers won’t move.

Should You Tip Movers?

You shouldn’t feel obliged to tip each mover for the service provided – but consider doing so if you’re satisfied with the job done. If the team from your chosen relocation and car shipping company is professional and kind, provides helpful tips for moving, and does the job exceptionally, think about awarding that kind of devotion. Additionally, the easiest way of tipping the team is cash, so when preparing for movers, ensure you have enough bills set aside.

Use Our Ingenious Moving Day Tips for a Smooth and Successful Move to a New Home

You’re almost at the end of this exciting but still challenging period of your life – so don’t let an unorganized move spoil all the hard work you put into the move. Use our tips for moving day when organizing your move – they will help you relocate efficiently and stay on top of the task until you’re finally moved to a new place.


How do I stay calm on moving days?

The best way to stay calm during the relocation days is to get organized. Good organization will give you a sense of control, and you’ll be able to relax when you realize that everything is going right on schedule. It’s one of the most important move-in day tips, as well. Instead of trying to do everything all at once, make a list of tasks and stick to it.

How do you pack to move in a hurry?

If you have a last-minute move, you’ll save up a lot of time by decluttering thoroughly. Go through your belongings, and decide what to throw away and what to sell or donate. It will reduce the time needed for packing immensely. Additionally, find as many supplies in your home as you can. Used boxes, plastic containers, suitcases, bags, linens, bedding – all of them can be used as packaging material. Of course, don’t forget to get help – the more you have, the merrier.

What should you not pack when moving to another house?

Aside from items forbidden from the back of the relocation truck, there are items you won’t need after relocating to a new home. Belongings you haven’t used for more than a year, duplicated and damaged items or things you keep out of guilt shouldn’t be a part of the inventory list. Ensure you bring only the items you use, aside from those with significant sentimental or financial value. If you must downsize for a move, note that this kind of decluttering is necessary.

What are the pros and cons of moving to a smaller home?

Although downsizing and moving to a smaller home can be exhausting, there are actually plenty of benefits of moving to a smaller house. You’ll be able to save to move to a more desirable neighborhood but also cut the mortgage and utility costs. Even the smaller space isn’t a disadvantage if you remember that you’ll have a lot less to clean. However, if you’re wondering how to start the task of moving from a large home to a smaller one, note that this kind of move is almost impossible without purging.

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