Expert Tips for Freshmen – Moving to College Made Easy

June 24, 2024Moving Tips
Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly

It’s natural for freshmen to transform into a bundle of nerves before they need to start campus life. Moving to college is like a movie, complete with plot twists, unexpected turns, and hopefully, a happy ending. To make sure of it, here are some tips and tricks to enter this inevitable next chapter of your life like you’ve already been through it all before.

Why Moving to College Feels Like Conquering a Mountain

Moving out of state for college is an exciting new chapter filled with possibilities.

It’s the perfect chance to explore new interests, make lifelong friends, and step into independence.

Anyone who has touched foot in a college dorm will tell you this is the densest chapter of their lives when it comes to fond memories.

Welcoming 80,000 students each year, Arizona State University is the largest in the US

To put a number on it, according to the US Census Bureau, around 38% of Americans age 25 or older have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That translates to nearly 130 million people, which in turn translates into billions of unforgettable stories to tell.

However, each one of them will also tell you that the beginning can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re moving out for the first time. Between packing up, saying goodbye to family and friends, and adjusting to a new environment, that’s completely normal.


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It Can Feel Like a Lot to Handle, Both Emotionally and Physically

Every big change is hard. Emotionally, it can be a rollercoaster. Leaving behind the familiar comforts of the family home and stepping into an unknown world can be nerve-wracking. There’s the excitement of new experiences but also the constant anxiety of being away from loved ones and the pressure to fit in and succeed.

Physically, the move itself can be a challenge. You need to organize packing, transport everything into the new apartment or dorm, and set up the space. It can be pretty exhausting, not to mention the relocation stress that’s a pretty common by-product of the whole ordeal. After all, around 60% of people say it’s more nerve-racking than starting a new job or getting a divorce. But with the right plan, you will be able to keep the stress levels to a minimum.

Sisters hugging after cross-country moving
You're leaving everything close and familiar behind, and that can be hard

Early Bird Gets the Worm – Start Planning and Organizing in Advance

Packing procrastination is the enemy of a smooth move! Starting early gives you the upper hand when it comes to staying organized, reducing stress, and handling any surprises without breaking a sweat.

In most cases, it will be a small long-distance move, but an early start is still crucial. Ideally, you should kick it off at least two months before the move-in date. This time frame allows you to handle all the details like you’ve been through the whole shindig many times before.

Create a Timeline for the Move and Try to Stick To It

Research shows that having a to-do list can help with stress and anxiety, so when it comes to moving across the country for college, it becomes invaluable. Just breaking down this huge task into smaller, more manageable steps will help immensely.

You can try the 1-3-5 rule, where you tackle one large, three medium, and five smaller tasks each day. Stick to the timeline as closely as possible to keep on track and avoid last-minute moving. Plus, it’s a great excuse to use fancy planners or apps – anything to make organizing more fun!

To-do list
Figure out the plan and stay true to it

Here’s What You Should Look into Before Moving to the College Dorm

As you’re getting ready for the big day, doing some research is crucial. Knowing what to expect can save you from feeling overwhelmed by all the new experiences and help you settle in more smoothly. Here’s what you should look up:

  • Dorm room dimensions – While the average dorm room is about 230 square feet, you should look into the size and layout of your particular dorm room,
  • Roommate information – If possible, connect with the future roomie in advance to get to know each other and coordinate on shared items,
  • Dorm policies – Make sure you understand all of the rules, including what you can bring, what’s forbidden, as well as what are the guest policies and quiet hours,
  • Campus facilities – Get a map of the campus and familiarize yourself with the locations of dining halls, gyms, libraries, and other key facilities,
  • Move-in day schedule – Know the specific time and procedures for the big day to avoid any unpleasant surprises once you get there.

Being prepared with these deets can turn you into a college-moving ninja, ready to tackle anything! Moreover, it frees up your brain to focus on the important stuff once you get there – like making new friends and finding the best coffee spots on campus.

Girl speaking on the phone while browsing the internet
A little snooping around can go a long way once you're at the campus

Dorm Rooms Are Not Exactly Huge – It’s All About Packing Smart

Most dorm rooms are cozy at best. As we’ve just mentioned, the average size is about 230 square feet – that’s smaller than a one-car garage! So, if you’re skipping the apartment rent for the full campus experience, it’s all about being strategic.

Packing efficiently means bringing what you need without going overboard. Decluttering is a great way to downsize and ensure you’re only taking essentials. Because of that, figuring out what to get rid of should be at the top of the packing schedule. Also, explore some creative storage ideas such as under-bed bins, hanging organizers, and multi-functional furniture. Remember, less is more when you’re trying to fit your whole life into a dorm room!

Create a Detailed Packing Checklist to Make Sure Nothing Is Left Behind

Besides the general to-do list, you should have a separate one exclusively for the packing process. It will help you keep track of all the essentials and skip the anxiety that comes with realizing you’ve forgotten certain things.

Plus, crossing items off on the packing list can give you a satisfying sense of accomplishment. So, grab a pen (or a phone) and start listing everything from bedding to toiletries – your future self, standing in the middle of the new dorm room with boxes to unpack, will surely thank you.

Satisfied adorable woman verifying belongings
Attention to detail can save you a lot of trouble here

Bring Only the Essentials With You – Let Professional Movers Handle the Rest

Even with downsizing and packing smartly, you’ll probably still have a lot of stuff. You might be wondering how you’re going to bring all of it with you to college. The answer? You don’t have to do it all yourself!

Professional moving services can handle the bulk of your belongings. Expert movers handle around 650,000 relocations each year, most of which are pretty complex, so your small move won’t even break their sweat. Here are the benefits you can enjoy by hiring movers:

  • Your belongings will be in the safe hands of experienced professionals,
  • This will save you a lot of time and energy,
  • You can take advantage of other services, such as storage or car shipping.

Planning to Cruise Through Campus? An Auto Transport Company Can Help

Having your prized ride with you during college can be a game-changer. It gives you the freedom to explore the area, make quick trips to the grocery store, and visit home whenever you want. Above all, being a friend with a car can make you a campus celebrity pretty quickly!

Here, movers can help, too. Companies like USA Auto Transport offer two options – open and enclosed auto transport. For any budget-conscious freshman, an open trailer is more than enough – unless you’re sporting a luxury vehicle, which is probably not the case. That part comes after – now is the time to build towards it!

Choosing terminal-to-terminal car shipping can also make a positive impact on the relocation budget. However, door-to-door auto transport comes with the additional perk of picking up and dropping off your ride right where you need it. Either way, the trusty four-wheeler will be ready and waiting for you to cruise through campus and beyond!

Open Carrier Auto Transport

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Enclosed Auto Transport

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Here’s How to Make the Dorm Room Feel Like Home

You’ve settled on all the details with the chosen car shipping company, made travel arrangements, and, finally, you’re standing in a dorm room. You might be excited, but the room looks empty and bleak. However, turning it into a cozy haven is easier than you think!

Personalize the space with photos of friends and family, favorite posters, and some comfy bedding. Add a few plants to bring life into the room and maybe a soft rug for extra comfort. Fairy lights or a nice lamp can also create a warm and inviting atmosphere. These little touches can make a big difference in making that place truly feel like home.

USA Auto Transport
Once your stuff arrives, it's time for the fun part - decorating the dorm room

Get Out There and Get to Know the People – It’s the Best Part of Campus Life

Studies have consistently shown that college-educated people have more friends on average. Moreover, a large chunk of these connections are made to last a lot longer than the time it takes you to get a diploma and flourish even after you’ve gone through moving away from college. The whole world is out there, waiting for you – here’s how to get into the center of the action:

Join Clubs and Organizations

Whether you’re into sports, music, volunteering, or something else entirely, there’s bound to be a group that suits your interests. Not only will you meet like-minded people, but you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in fun activities and events.

Attend Social Events and Gatherings

Keep an eye out for orientation events, welcome parties, and other social gatherings where you can meet new people. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversations with classmates, roommates, or people you meet around campus. You never know who you might click with, and a simple “hello” could be the start of a great friendship.

Get Involved in Dorm Life

Simply living in the dorm provides ample opportunities to make friends. You can attend dorm meetings and floor events to get to know the neighbors or leave the door open when you’re around to invite others to stop by and say hi. You can also organize a movie night or study group in the common area to bring people together.

It’s Time to Dive Into the Next Chapter and Make Some Great Memories Along the Way

As we wrap up our campus-savvy guide on how to move to college, you’ve got all you need to set off the new chapter on the right foot. From early planning and organization to making friends once you arrive, staying open-minded and embracing the adventure will help you really make the most out of the whole ordeal.

And if there’s a lot of nail-biting and head-scratching action going on, don’t hesitate to bring in the pros. USA Auto Transport is here to help, letting you focus on settling into the new college life. We’re not just experts when it comes to shipping cars in the USA either – we offer assistance with other aspects of the move, too. Contact us today to get the ball rolling – dorm life is just one step away!

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